A fast boat to Gili Trawangan from Bali is one of the best transportations to get to the island from Bali. There are several fast boat operators that you can choose to book. Bali to Gili island fast boat offers daily departure with comfortable and safe transfers. There are three main embarkation points where you …
Five Best Speed Boat to Gili Islands from Bali and Lombok
The most popular tourism in Lombok, the Gili Islands are consists of three small islands. These islands are Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air. The three Gili Islands offer beautiful beaches, amazing underwater marine life. It is a great place for diving and snorkeling. Gili Islands is accessible by speed boat from Lombok or …
Perbedaan Memesan Paket Tour Lombok Online dan Offline
Bagi Anda yang masih bingung bagaimana sebaiknya memesan paket wisata Lombok, maka bacalah halaman ini hingga tuntas. Perbedaan pemesanan paket tour Lombok online dan offline memberikan pencerahan bagi Anda mana yang lebih baik. Lombok merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata terbaik di Indonesia. Pulau yang terletak di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat ini memiliki berbagai destinasi wisata. …